Thursday, November 7, 2013

Debbie Downer vs Jubilant Jill

I was raised by a sassy mom and a sedate dad.  As a child, I behaved more like my father, but now, as a mother of five, I behave much like my snarky mom.  My grandmother exposed me to British comedies...nice and dry.  I adore sarcasm.  More than one past relationship disintegrated due to my partner's lack of ability to handle constant sarcasm and cynicism.  Unfortunately, I am getting flooded by negativity as an adult and "sarcasm" is not the life raft I expected.  My attitude MUST change!

I read a great article by Mary Vance.  The article has 5 steps toward having a happier outlook.  Although these methods are nothing new, it is always good to be reminded about how your attitude can damage (or strengthen) your wellness.  I regularly perform the first suggestion in the article - the gratitude list.  I write down three things that I am thankful for. 

Today I am thankful for:
  1. My great-aunt who is in town to help my grandmother after surgery!
  2. My backyard which is fenced in and large enough for an above ground pool, BIG garden, shed, trees and play space for 5 kids and 2 dogs. 
  3. My seed collection - The last time I planned a garden curriculum for my students, they were in first grade and totally uninterested.  Now they are in fourth grade and ready to handle more gardening responsibility on their own.  I'll be planning a spring curriculum around the garden again!
I am thankful for much, much more.  People don't usually realize how much they have to be thankful for.  You can go basic...air, water, shelter.  You can go recliner, The Biggest Loser, tortillas.  The point is, look at all these things you have to be happy about...cheer up!  Look at what you've got, not what you don't have!